Wednesday 11 April 2018


     Last year when I was interning, I usually took the normal route to work but after a while, it became financially burdensome on me. I asked and found there was a cheaper route to work. That route involved a lot of walking and passing through Pako.

Pako is a wooden bridge(for humans and sometimes vehicles) built over a canal or river. There was a condition to that. Anybody familiar with Lagos State will know that there is no free road in Lagos, including Under-Bridge and paths along the main roads. To cross to the other side, there were men waiting for me to hand over the huge sum of 10 Naira twice a day.

At first, it did not seem that giving out 20 Naira a day was a big deal until one day I realised that I had spent more than 500 Naira in one month just for walking a bridge. In a year, I would have spent 6000 Naira. I decided it was time to apply financial wisdom to the situation. I started watching the actions of those who passed without paying. I watched and learnt. the first time I tried to pass without paying, let's say it was unsuccessful. I figured that if I brought out a 500 Naira or 1000 Naira note, they would not have the balance. It worked but I had to find a permanent solution.  I had to appeal to the human side of the 'tax collectors' using my charm and voice. Anytime I passed, I ensure I greeted whoever was in charge to the hearing of everyone and asked after their welfare. It worked the first time and subsequently.

Sometimes, it may seem that you can not get through a situation but there is always a way. Appeal to the human side always work even to the most wicked soul on Earth.

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